Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Week of Monday January 27 - Friday January 31, 2014

Monday & Tuesday:  SNOW DAYS!!!!

Wednesday:  5th hour:  Writing and solving equations worksheet.  NO homework
6th hour:  Using unit rates to solve real-world problems.  No homework
7th hour:  Balancing equations and solving for x.  No homework

Thursday:  5th hour:  Writing and solving equations worksheet.  HOMEWORK:  FINISH WKST
6th hour:  Using unit rates to solve real-world problems.  pg. 177 # 1-12 ALL
7th hour:  Balancing equations and solving for x.  No homework

FRIday:  5th hour:  Balancing inequalities.  NO homework
6th hour:  Review Chapter 5.  STUDY TEST MONDAY
7th hour:  Balancing equations and solving for x.  No homework