Friday, December 13, 2013

Week of Monday December 16 to Friday December 20, 2013

Monday:  5th hour (7th grade):  review all of chapter 3, Combining like terms, expanding and factoring expressions, writing expressions.  Do study Guide.  Homework: STUDY TEST WEDNESDAY
6th hour (6th grade):  Finish Lesson 4.1 HOMEWORK:  pg. 125 # 1-16 ALL
7th hour (TT math 7):  Lesson 3.4 expanding expressions and Lesson 3.5 Factoring expressions.  No Homework

Tuesday:  5th hour (7th grade):  Chapter review with Whiteboards.  Homework: STUDY STUDY! TEST tomorrow
6th hour (6th grade):  Lesson 4.2 equivalent ratios HOMEWORK:  pg. 138 # 2-34 evens only
7th hour (TT math 7):  Lesson 3.5 factoring expressions.  HOMEWORK: finish 3.4/3.5 worksheet

Wednesday:  5th hour (7th grade):  Chapter 3 TEST today No homework
6th hour (6th grade):  Finish Lesson 4.3 real world ratios HOMEWORK:  pg. 148 # 2-14 evens only
7th hour (TT math 7):  Review expanding and factoring expressions.  QUIZ TOMORROW! STUDY 3.4/3.5

Thursday: 5th hour (7th grade):  Go over Tests.  No Homework
6th hour (6th grade):  Review Chapter 4 ratios-Study guide
7th hour (TT math 7):  QUIZ today!  No homework

Friday:  5th hour (7th grade):  Holiday activity NO homework
6th hour (6th grade):  Chapter 4 TEST No homework
7th hour (TT math 7):  Go over Quizzes, holiday activity.  No homework


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Week of Monday December 9 - Friday December 16, 2013

Monday:  5th hour: (7th grade) Lesson 3.6 reading algebraic expressions.  HOMEWORK: 3.4/3.5 Worksheet
6th hour: (6th Grade) STUDY STUDY STUDY TEST Chapter 3 Tomorrow
7th Hour:  (TT 7th grade) Lesson 3.2 Combining like terms (Subtracting) Assignment in class

Tuesday: 5th hour: (7th grade) Finish Lesson 3.6 Homework Pg. 176 # 2-22 evens
6th hour:  (6th grade) TEST no homework
7th hour (TT 7th grade):  Lesson 3.3 (two operations) Assignment in class

Wednesday 5th hour: (7th Grade) Lesson 3,7 Algebraic reasoning.  NO homework
6th hour (6th grade) Finish TEST no homework
7th hour(TT math 7) Review combining like Terms.  Homework: Lesson 3.3 worksheet

Thursday:  5th hour (7th grade) Lesson 3.7 continued Homework:  pg. 183 # 1-13ALL
6th hour (6th grade)Go over test NO homework
7th hour: QUIZ TODAY

Friday: 5th hour (7th grade) Finish Lesson 3.7
6th hour (6th grade)  lesson 4.1 equivalent ratios No homework
7th hour(TT 7th grade)  Lesson 3.4 Distributive property No homework

Monday, December 2, 2013

Week of Monday December 2-Friday December 6 2013

Monday:  5th hour (7th grade)-review on white boards combining like terms.  Homework:  pg. 152 #2-22 evens only
6th hour (6th grade)-Review dividing decimals. Homework pg. 93 # 2- 40 evens only
7th hour (7th grade TT) - Review all operations with fractions and decimals.  STUDY QUIZ TOMORROW!!

Tuesday: 5th hour (7th grade)- Lesson 3.4 expanding using distributive property.  No homework
6th hour:  (6th grade)  Review all operations with fractions and decimals.  No homework
7th hour (TT 7th grade)- QUIZ TODAY! no homework

1/2 day -schedule
Wednesday: 5th hour (7th grade) Practice expanding problems.  Homework pg. 159 #2-32 evens only
6th hour (6th grade) lesson 3.4 real world fractions and decimals No Homework
7th hour (7th grade TT) Finish/Go over QUIZ

Thursday:  5th hour (7th grade)  Lesson 3.5 factoring expressions No homework
6th hour (6th grade)  Continue 3.4 No Homework
7th hour (TT 7th grade) Go over quizzes.  Lesson 3.1/3.2 combine like terms NO HOMEWORK

Friday: 5th hour (7th grade) Review lesson 3.4/3.5 Homework 3.4/3/5 Worksheet
6th hour:  (6th grade)Do problems in class in small groups pg. 105
7th hour( TT 7th grade) Continue lesson 3.1/3,2